"Cars 3" Unconfirmed for BluRay 3D?

According to The Digital Bits.com, "Cars 3" is going to be Disney's latest UltraHD release (and Pixar's first).  The movie is going to be released day and date with the DVD and BluRay version of the film.  Not mentioned is the BluRay 3D version.  This might not mean anything, of course.  So far, all the Pixar films have gotten localized BluRay 3D releases, and none of the other releases have even been confirmed.  This is just some Rumor Mill gossip the site is known for, and sometimes the information is incorrect when things are reported before anything is finalized.  That said...if there is a 4K release on the horizon and no immediate announcement of a BluRay 3D release, keep an eye on the Best Buy site for another steelbook exclusive debacle.  Not saying it's going to happen, only that you can never be sure anymore.

My full review of "Cars 3" can be found here.


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