"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Announced for BluRay (Will We Get it in 3D?)

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The big announcement today is that "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is coming to BluRay on April 5th.  This has been one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood the past few weeks, but I suppose it's nice to have it official.  Disappointingly there will be NO BluRay 3D release on the 5th, but the press release has made mention that a 3D version is coming out later this year.  It doesn't specify whether that will be on disk or via a streaming site like Vudu, but it's nice to know we're at least getting something later on.  I will share my thoughts on why the release may be a good thing in the long run if Disney is doing what I think they will be doing, but for now you can read the press release here.  I personally won't be buying the movie until a 3D release is announced myself, but I know a lot of you won't be able to help yourselves, so be prepared to be double dipped on this one.


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