I love Warner Bros. I really do. When it comes to 3D content they have been the most consistent supporter of the format. I have never had to worry about a 3D movie from Warner Bros. not being available on BluRay 3D in some form. I don't know why they haven't joined Sony in packaging 3D disks with their 4K disks and combining the niche products, but at least we still have an option for this. With the last LEGO movie Warner did release it in BluRay 3D, but they did so through a collector's edition. Basically, you bought a big set that had a giant head for the cover, a mini-LEGO figurine, and the 3D disk was sold as a "bonus feature." Thing retailed for $44.99.
None of us were fooled by what this REALLY was, but we didn't complain because the opportunity to buy it at all was better than not having the option at all! In fact, if that was the compromise we'd need for the future of the format to continue, we were on board. There were enough collector's out there to ensure this type of release wouldn't have a cap on sales right off the bat, so this was ok in my book. Nothing really came of that though and I think one of our best chances to keep consumer interest in BluRay 3D died with that plan. Packing the 3D disks with UltraHD BluRay's would be another way to keep interest in the format alive and help it grow, but so far only Sony has jumped on that plan. The reason I mentioned all of that is that Warner Bros. is not going to force you to buy a collectors edition to get the 3D version this time around. It will have its own separate release that will simply cost you $5 more than the standard BluRay would.
I will admit that I am happy to see them doing this because this is one of the VERY few 3D movies I did not see in theaters! For some reason many IMAX's refused to screen the film in 3D. I saw it a second time, but I was invited by friends who wanted to see it. They offered to pay for my ticket. I said I would pay for my ticket as well as one of theirs if we could see it in 3D. But the girlfriend of one of the family members said 3D made her sick (not to sound unsympathetic but I have a hard time believing it), so even though six other people were interested in seeing it in 3D, the one person won. Because...that's how life works sometimes I suppose. So when I get this it will be my first time seeing the movie in 3D. And I am so VERY thankful the chance to see it in 3D did not pass me forever when the movie left theaters! Thank you Warner Bros!
The next 3D Blu-ray scheduled to come out (scheduled for May 9) is Those Redheads from Seattle (1953):